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Blacklist Asiatic Lily

Blacklist Asiatic Lily

of respondents would recommend this to a friend
Introducing a dramatically deep and totally unique Asiatic lily! Blacklist is definitely the darkest lily we've ever seen. It boasts nearly black, 6" flowers from June to July atop strong, 30-36" stems. Like all lilies, this Asiatic wonder is a natural for indoor arrangements and freshly cut bouquets. But Blacklist really shines in back borders, focal point plantings and feature beds throughout the landscape. Plant these dark lilies alongside lighter or brighter varieties for a nice visual contrast. The statuesque plants grow to 4 feet tall when the blooms appear in summer. For best results, plant bulbs in well-drained sites that get full to part sun.
  • Hardiness Zones 3-8
  • Mature Height 30 - 36 inches
  • Bloom Time Early to midsummer
  • Light Requirements Full Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade
  • Ship As14-16 CM Bulb
  • Cut Flower
  • Attracts Pollinators

We ship this item in Fall

Botanical Name: Lilium 'Blacklist'

Availability: Out Of Season
SKU: #78856
5/bag(s) Buy More and Save!
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Product Details

  • Restricted States US:

  • Botanical Name:

    Lilium 'Blacklist'
  • Ship As:

  • Size:

    14-16 CM
  • Suggested Uses:

    Borders, Bouquets, Cut Flowers, Perennializing, Showy Flowers, Attract Pollinator
  • Flower Color:

  • Flower Form:

    6" flowers with the typical lily-shape
  • Foliage Type:

    Narrow, long lance-shaped leaves.
  • Mature Spread:

    12 - 15 inches
  • Spacing:

    12 - 15 inches

Growing Tips

  • Planting Instructions:

    Loosen soil well before planting. Plant bulbs 6" deep and firm soil. Water after planting.
  • Soil Moisture:

    Prefers well drained soil, but will tolerate heavier soils.
  • Will Tolerate:

    Acidic Soil, Clay Soil, Loamy Soil, Sandy Soil
  • Pruning Instructions:

    Don't remove leaves until they have died down in fall. They help provide nourishment to the bulb for next season's blooms.
  • Winter Care:

    Provide a layer of mulch for winter protection.
  • Planting Depth:

    6" deep
  • Watering Requirements:

    Average water needs. Water regularly, do not overwater
  • Fertilization Requirements:

    Once per year in early summer
  • Special Care:

    Not needed

Plant Calculator

How Many Plants Do I Need?

  • Determine the amount of square feet in the area to be planted. Use the calculator below or enter square feet
  • Length
  • Width
  • Square Feet
  • ft
  • X
  • ft
  • =
  • ft
  • Enter plant spacing

  • Inches
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Plants Needed

Shipping Information

K. van Bourgondien times its shipments from Holland so that bulbs and bareroots arrive at the proper planting time (depending on climatic conditions) for each area of North America.
We take advanced orders, and as the crops are harvested, our staff of K. van Bourgondien experts makes an on-the-spot selection of the finest bulbs available to fill those reservations.
We will pack and ship your order based on the following schedules. The type of product you order or the weather may affect the anticipated shipping schedule. Please note that we cannot ship outside of the 48 contiguous states. What zone am I in?

Fall 2025 Shipping Schedule

  • Dormant Bulbs and Perennials
    Zones Shipping Dates Last Order Date
    3A - 6B 9/1/25 - 12/5/25 12/1/2025
    7A - 11B 9/22/25 - 12/5/25 12/1/2025

Shipping Notes:
In all cases, we choose the fastest, most efficient way to send your orders via USPS or FedEx.
Orders for gift certificates will be shipped immediately.

Due to hot weather conditions, we are unable to ship any plant items from late June through August. General merchandise will be shipped with your plant order.

Upon placing your order, you will receive an email confirmation with the details of your order and a shipping estimate. You will also receive an email notification when your order actually ships with an updated arrival estimate. If you have ordered multiple items, you may receive them in more than one shipment. We will send you a separate email confirming each shipment. Large orders may be shipped in more than one package. Your order confirmation will have an estimated shipping time.

You may check your order status at any time on this website using your email or account number provided on your order confirmation.

Customer Reviews

Review Snapshot

by PowerReviews

36 Star RatingsWrite a Review
of respondents would recommend this to a friend

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Reviewed by 30 customers

Will always be my favorite!

Submitted 2 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

These lilies did fantastic this year! Last year on their first year, only one of them came up tall and bloomed. This time they all grew tall and beautiful!! My only concern is that several weeks after they were done blooming, we had a terrible storm, and they were knocked over - a couple were even uprooted but not down to the bulb. Will they return next year?

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Red lilies are hard to find for a reason

Submitted 2 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

Only three actually sprouted. They were pretty when they flowered but color was not as pictured. Mine were a dusty orange. Not what I was hoping for.

Bottom Line No, I would not recommend to a friend

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This flower got it's picture on my local newscast.

Submitted 2 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

Beautiful flower with vivid color. I submitted a picture to my local news program that was asking for photos and my picture was chosen.

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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Deep hues

Submitted 2 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

Striking dark flowers, unusual color

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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Okay… just okay

Submitted 2 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

The lilies all came up which was a win, but none of them had the intense color represented in the photo. Still pretty enough, but wasn't exactly a match for the colors I have in my garden. Much more orangey than expected. I wonder why they never got the color intensity I thought they would have. Plenty of light.

Bottom Line No, I would not recommend to a friend

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pinkish blooms

Submitted 2 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

My lilies came up and bloomed. They were lovely pink, but never got the black centers or black petal edges that it shows on the picture. I don't know if it's something I did or the bulbs.

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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Pale, not as pictured. Lovely though.

Submitted 2 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

Not as pictured. A dusty pink. My Tons were perfectly electric and I wanted the contrast...but no where near dark red/blackish! Healthy, but wrong color.

Bottom Line No, I would not recommend to a friend

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Not a dark color

Submitted 2 years ago

By Tia

From MN

I order these as I wanted a dark color like the picture. These are nowhere near the dark color- very disappointing

Merchant Response

Tia, thank you for writing a review of the Asiatic Lily Blacklist. We are truly sorry to hear that this item failed to bloom in the expected shade. Upon reviewing your account, we are elated to see that one of our Customer Care representatives has already honored our No-Risk Guarantee, by issuing merchandise credit in the amount paid.

Bottom Line No, I would not recommend to a friend

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Year 2, 6-9 giant blooms on each plant

Submitted 2 years ago

By Ann

From Jamul, California

Stunningly beautiful! Needs some support, protection from kid/animal traffic. Super easy.

User submitted media 1 of 2
Second year, 6 blooms on each plant.
User submitted media 2 of 2
Peeking through the apple tree.

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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Most beautiful Asiastic

Submitted 3 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

They were fantastic

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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Questions & Answers


Showing 10 out of 19 Questions

Best soil conditions? And how many bulbs per bag?
Asked by Sandy
Verified Reply - AngelaThe Blacklist Asiatic Lily offer includes 5 bulbs. They are not terribly picky about soil but will grow best in well draining soil that is slightly moist.Was this answer helpful to you
How many bulbs in a bag
Asked by De
Verified Reply - AngelaThe Asiatic Lily Blacklist offer includes 5 bulbs.Was this answer helpful to you
Do deer like to eat the Asiatic Lily Blacklist? And how can I keep them from them if they do?
Asked by DeAnn
Verified Reply - AngelaAsiatic Lilies are not considered deer resistant. We offer Plantskydd Deer And Squirrel Repellent. It's what many professional landscapers use to repel deer. this answer helpful to you
If I planted these in the fall. When will I see the first blooms?
Asked by ladyleo
Verified Reply - AngelaYour Asiatic Lily Blacklist is likely to bloom this summer.Was this answer helpful to you
If I potted these up in individual nursery pots and stored them in an unheated out building, would they survive the winter? I'm located in central Kentucky.
Asked by Dan
Verified Reply - AngelaPotted Asiatic Lily Blacklist bulbs should be fine if potted and stored in your outbuilding. You can also place straw bales around them and straw on top of the soil for extra insulation. You will want to check the soil once a month and lightly water to keep it from drying out completely.Was this answer helpful to you
Can I put these in the ground in the fall? I'm in zone 5. If yes, how far apart do I space them?
Asked by Dia
Verified Reply - AngelaDefinitely plant the Asiatic Lily Blacklist bulbs when they arrive this fall. Space them about 12 to 15 inches apart and 6 inches deep.Was this answer helpful to you
How tall does this lily get
Asked by Crystal
Verified Reply - AngelaThe Asiatic Lily Blacklist will reach a mature height of 30 to 36 inches. Was this answer helpful to you
How tall does Blacklist dark red-black asiatic lilies grow?
Asked by Dori
Verified Reply - AngelaThe Asiatic Lily Blacklist will reach a mature height of 30 to 36 inches. Was this answer helpful to you
How do I separate and when?
Asked by Sarainexperienced
Verified Reply - AngelaEarly fall is a good time to divide the bulbs. Carefully dig up the whole clump. Spray off the clump with the hose. The offsets are attached to the mother bulb but can easily be snapped off. Replant as soon as possible. Was this answer helpful to you
How many bulbs are there in a bag?
Asked by Lola new gardener
Verified Reply - AngelaThe Asiatic Blacklist offer includes 5 bulbs. Was this answer helpful to you
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