Plant Finder

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Plant Finder
Flower Bulbs & Perennials at Wholesale Prices

Using the Hardiness Zone Map

We want you to get the best results from what you select. That is why we have provided this Hardiness Zone Map. The Hardiness Zones are based on the average minimum temperatures for each zone. Many factors, such as sun, wind, snow cover or rainfall in your mini climate can also affect the minimum temperatures in your area as presented by this map.

USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map

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What is My Planting Zone?

Check the map to determine which hardiness zone you live in or click on the "Find Zone" button to find your zone. Simply enter your zip code and get information on your planting zone. Remember that zone maps cannot account for deviations in typical zones such as micro-climates or if your location is associated with unusual conditions for the region. Always remember that growing zone maps are not perfect and that elements like soil, moisture, humidity, heat, or other weather conditions at the time can influence how well your plants will grow in any US growing zone.

If you really want a good look at your area, then the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is also a good resource.

If you have a question, either call our Customer Service line, or consult your local County Agricultural Agent.

What Are Planting or Growing Zones?

In the United States, planting zones are specific locations that correspond to which plants can grow well there. The planting zone map is based on the average annual minimum winter temperature, and which varieties of flowers and plants can survive and thrive in those conditions. Zones are based on the average low temperatures that each area of the country has in winter. Meteorologists have arrived at this figure by averaging the temperatures over a 15-year period for each different region of the country.

Which Growing Zone Will a Plant Thrive In?

Plant hardiness is very important to growing success. What exactly does it mean when a plant is hardy to your zone? What this is telling you is how much cold the plant can withstand without freezing to death. You'll find zone designations on every product page on this site and in the print catalog. A variety marked "Zones 3-8," for example, should grow and thrive in zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Ship Date/Hardiness Zone

Zone Lowest Avg. Winter Temperature Spring Catalog Shipping Begins Fall Catalog Shipping Begins
Zone 3 -40° to -30° F Early May Early September
Zone 4 -30° to -20° F Early May Early September
Zone 5 -20° to -10° F Late March to Mid-April Early September
Zone 6 -10° to 0° F Late February - Mid March Early September
Zone 7 0° to 10° F Late February Mid-September
Zone 8 10° to 20° F Mid-February Mid-September
Zone 9 20° to 30° F Early February Mid-September
Zone 10 30° to 40° F Early February Mid-September

Have another question? Return to the Customer Service Help page or send an e-mail directly to Customer Service

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