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Hybrid Calla Lily Aethiopica

Hybrid Calla Lily Aethiopica

Large, pure white flowers with a yellow spadix rise gracefully from a ring of glossy green leaves. Hybrid Calla Lily Aethiopica is the crème de la crème of the calla world. Specially selected for their intense production of flowers, these free-flowering gems will deliver endless color and fragrance all season long. Perfect for beds and borders, these are especially suitable for patio containers due to their highly desirable, free-flowering habit. The large, white flowers are also lovely in bouquets and cut-floral arrangements.
  • Hardiness Zones 3-10. Lift in Fall in zones 3-8
  • Mature Height 36 - 60 inches
  • Bloom Time Early to late summer (Jun-Aug)
  • Light Requirements Full Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade
  • Ship As14-16 CM Bulb
  • Deer Resistant
  • Cut Flower
  • Container Friendly

We ship this item in Spring

Botanical Name: Zantedeschia aethiopica

Availability: In Stock
SKU: #89427
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  • $15.09
  • $5.03
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Product Details

  • Restricted States US:

  • Botanical Name:

    Zantedeschia aethiopica
  • Ship As:

  • Size:

    14-16 CM
  • Lift In Fall:

  • Suggested Uses:

    Borders, Bouquets, Container Gardening, Cut Flowers, Perennializing, Showy Flowers, Deer Resistant
  • Flower Color:

  • Flower Form:

    Upright trumpet shaped, 5" tall and 3" across.
  • Foliage Type:

    Arrow-shaped, broad, rich green foliage.
  • Mature Spread:

    18 - 20 inches
  • Spacing:

    18 - 20 inches

Growing Tips

  • Planting Instructions:

    4" deep and 18-20" apart.
  • Soil Moisture:

    Well drained
  • Will Tolerate:

    Acidic Soil, Clay Soil, Loamy Soil, Sandy Soil
  • Pruning Instructions:

    Not needed
  • Winter Care:

    Lift in fall if you live in zones 3-8 for winter storage. Replant the following spring after frosts are over.
  • Planting Depth:

    4" deep
  • Watering Requirements:

    Average water needs. Water regularly, do not overwater
  • Fertilization Requirements:

    Once per year
  • Special Care:

    Not needed

Plant Calculator

How Many Plants Do I Need?

  • Determine the amount of square feet in the area to be planted. Use the calculator below or enter square feet
  • Length
  • Width
  • Square Feet
  • ft
  • X
  • ft
  • =
  • ft
  • Enter plant spacing

  • Inches
Calculate Plants Needed
Plants Needed

Shipping Information

K. van Bourgondien times its shipments from Holland so that bulbs and bareroots arrive at the proper planting time (depending on climatic conditions) for each area of North America.
We take advanced orders, and as the crops are harvested, our staff of K. van Bourgondien experts makes an on-the-spot selection of the finest bulbs available to fill those reservations.
We will pack and ship your order based on the following schedules. The type of product you order or the weather may affect the anticipated shipping schedule. Please note that we cannot ship outside of the 48 contiguous states. What zone am I in?

Spring 2025 Shipping Schedule

  • Bulbs and Bareroot
    Zones Shipping Dates Last Order Date
    3A-5A 4/28/25 - 5/30/25 5/26/25
    5B 4/7/25 - 5/30/25 5/26/25
    6A 3/24/25 -5/30/25 5/26/25
    6B 3/10/25 - 5/30/25 5/26/25
    7A 2/24/25 - 5/30/25 5/26/25
    7B-8A 2/17/25 - 5/9/25 5/5/25
    8B-9A 2/10/25 - 5/9/25 5/5/25
    9B-11B 2/3/25 - 5/9/25 5/5/25

Shipping Notes:
In all cases, we choose the fastest, most efficient way to send your orders via USPS or FedEx.
Orders for gift certificates will be shipped immediately.

Due to hot weather conditions, we are unable to ship any plant items from late June through August. General merchandise will be shipped with your plant order.

Upon placing your order, you will receive an email confirmation with the details of your order and a shipping estimate. You will also receive an email notification when your order actually ships with an updated arrival estimate. If you have ordered multiple items, you may receive them in more than one shipment. We will send you a separate email confirming each shipment. Large orders may be shipped in more than one package. Your order confirmation will have an estimated shipping time.

You may check your order status at any time on this website using your email or account number provided on your order confirmation.

Customer Reviews

Review Snapshot

by PowerReviews

23 Star RatingsWrite a Review

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Reviewed by 23 customers

Require Long Time to Establish

Submitted 1 year ago

By Jane K.

From Plainview, NY

After 2 full growing seasons, I finally saw 1 bloom. I don't think they like or appreciate southern exposure in zone 7a now zone 7b. I do feel they'd prefer partial or filtered light instead. That said, the foliage is stunning, very tropical looking and lasts beyond the 1st frost. The flower that finally emerged was stunning and a delight to any gardener! The gorgeous creamy white flower would easily retail for $7 per bloom in any florist shop.

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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No Blooms!

Submitted 3 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

Got great looking leaves but no blooms.

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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Calla Lillies

Submitted 3 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

Only three of the six bulbs grew but. none bloomed. I had wanted them to really brighten my newly landscaped yard

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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Would be nice to have white Have 700 yellow

Submitted 3 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

They were very small tubers and not a single one grew. May try next year to try again

Bottom Line No, I would not recommend to a friend

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This is my home, I have planted flowers for years!

Submitted 3 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

They did not bloom at all! Two came up, but they never bloomed.

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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Extremely poor germination/ sprouting

Submitted 3 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

Only about 1/4 of them actually sprouted. I bought them on sale...but none the less...this is really very disapointing!

Merchant Response

Thank you for leaving a review of the Hybrid Calla Lily Aethiopica. We are truly sorry to hear that this item had a poor growth rate. This is covered under our No-Risk Guarantee. One of our Customer Care agents will be contacting you soon with a positive resolution.

Bottom Line No, I would not recommend to a friend

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Did not work out

Submitted 3 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

Sadly, none of them grew

Bottom Line No, I would not recommend to a friend

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Not the same color

Submitted 3 years ago

By Ag

From Georgia USA

I bought this at the beginning of the year and was shipped in may, I was exited because my mother had this one's when I was growing up. I planted them in my garden and sadly they were yellow not white and they were small flowers. Also I ordered the black ones I hope that they are black and to yellow. I planted dark flowers on front of my mailbox so I hope is the right color.

Bottom Line No, I would not recommend to a friend

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wtorth waiting for

Submitted 3 years ago

By Momcat

From Lexington, SC

I bought calla Aethiopica last year. They came up, looked healthy, but did not flower. They not only survived the winter in a large pot in a sheltered location, but came up early, huge, and ready to bloom. The display has been in bloom constantly with two or three flowers for just about 2 months, early April through May and still going strong. gorgeous. I don't even want to think what an arrangement like this would cost . It was well worth the bulb price and the wait.

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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took some time, but extremely handsome

Submitted 3 years ago

By momcat

From Lexington SC

I planted these in a very large pots, 21 inches across. The first year it put out aome leaves and was rather non descript. I'm in 8A and left it in the pot over the winter outside. The area is nortoriousl hot and its in a sheltered spot. It refused to die. On a few really cold nights I inverted a big pot filled with pine straw over It not only survived, but on April 25 the leaves are over 2 feet tall, bushy and attractive with three very tall, very large gorgeous flowers. I have no ideaif it will bloom again in the late summer, but the leaves are a handsome backdrop for other flowers spilling over the edge of the pot. Took some time, but well worth it.Might might want to let ustomers know that they might not do much the ifirst year.

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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Questions & Answers


Showing 10 out of 10 Questions

I'm trying to figure out how many calla lillies would fit in a large planter? I have rectangular planters that are 2.5 ft wide, and round planters that are 18" in diameter.
Asked by Paul
Verified Reply - AngelaI'm not sure of the length of your rectangle planter. I would zig zag plant a bulb every 10 inches or so to have a very full look. You can plant one to three bulbs in the 18 inch round planters.Was this answer helpful to you
Will Aethiopica calla lilies do well in full sun in Missouri heat or have some shade?
Asked by Richard
Verified Reply - AngelaAethiopica Calla Lillies should do well in full sun in Missouri.Was this answer helpful to you
Do these come back year after year?
Asked by Sammy
Verified Reply - AngelaThe Hybrid Calla Lily Aethiopica can be grown in USDA Hardiness Zones 3 to 10. Those in zones 3 to 8 will need to lift the bulbs from the ground and store in a frost free location for winter. They can be planted again the following spring. Was this answer helpful to you
How do you plant bulbs? Do I plant singular abd spaced out? or do several get planted together and so on? I have a 10 foot space along home, I want to fill out with this plant. And need to know how many to order.
Asked by Candace
Verified Reply - AngelaWe suggest planting Calla Lily Aethiopica bulbs 18 to 20 inches apart. Was this answer helpful to you
This spring I ordered and received to bags (6 bulbs) of Hybrid Calla Lilies Aethipica. I planted them according to instructions. Four of the 6 have done well and are flourishing. Unfortunately the other 2 which are planted in the same bed have not come up at all. Can you please advise. Thank you
Asked by Gloria
Verified Reply - ViciI see that you were assisted on July 28 and given a merchandise credit for the calla lilies. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.Was this answer helpful to you
I'm trying to order 1 bag of white calla lillies and I can't get it to do that on my request. How can I do this? It automatically wants for me to order 2 bags! I can't order just one? Thank you!
Asked by Sylvia
Verified Reply - ViciI am not sure why it wants you to order 2 bags. Please call our customer service number 800-552-9916 or feel free to chat with one of our agents on the web site. They will be happy to assist you.Was this answer helpful to you
The site says these are back ordered. Any Idea of when they will be available?
Asked by Bill
Verified Reply - ViciThis item should ship out within 2 weeks of your placing the order.Was this answer helpful to you
the catalog I just received (pg 27) states "extra tall plants can be grown 3-6" below water level year round". Can I plant these in my water garden?
Asked by Laura
Verified Reply - KimberlyYes, they may be planted in a water garden. Was this answer helpful to you
In your catalog it says this variety can be grown 3-6" below water level. However, in the planting instructions on your website, it needs to be planted in good draining soil. I want to put them in a large farm pond and had been planning on buy quite a lot. Now hesitant to purchase for fear of them rotting.
Asked by Deborah
Verified Reply - KimberlyHybrid Calla Lily Aethioica are tolerant of average garden soil, they also are adaptable enough to be planted in containers submerged in several inches of water at the edge of a pondWas this answer helpful to you
Anything special I should do to guarantee blooms?
Asked by Craig
Verified Reply - KimberlyPlant Calla Lily 4" deep and 18 - 20" apart, in well-drained soil in Full Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade. Fertilizing calla lily plants not only enhances overall health but promotes more and bigger blooms. Calla lily fertilization should also be done at planting. Try our 100% Natural Bulb Food - (4-4-2) - 3lbs.Was this answer helpful to you
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