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Asiatic Lily Red County

Asiatic Lily Red County

of respondents would recommend this to a friend
A favorite of our garden pros, this bold red Asiatic lily delivers an ocean of fiery blooms each growing season. Red County is a born perennializer, returning yearly with great dependability, as well as increased vigor and blooms. This habit makes it a garden go-to for those who have large landscape spaces to fill or just want that brilliant red hue to grab the attention of visitors and passersby. Either way, Red County is the ideal choice! In fact, the striking color, coupled with a fantastic flower form, also attracts beneficial butterflies.
  • Hardiness Zones 3-8
  • Mature Height 4 - 4.2 feet
  • Bloom Time Early to midsummer
  • Light Requirements Full Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade
  • Ship As12-14 CM Bulb
  • Cut Flower

We ship this item in Fall

Botanical Name: Lilium asiatic 'Red County'

Availability: Out Of Season
SKU: #81026
25/bag(s) Buy More and Save!
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  • 1
  • $26.50
  • $1.06
  • 4 or more
  • $21.88
  • $0.88
  • Save 17%
  • 40 or more
  • $16.75
  • $0.67
  • Save 37%
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Product Details

  • Restricted States US:

  • Botanical Name:

    Lilium asiatic 'Red County'
  • Ship As:

  • Size:

    12-14 CM
  • Suggested Uses:

    Borders, Bouquets, Cut Flowers, Naturalizing, Showy Flowers, Attract Pollinator
  • Flower Color:

  • Flower Form:

    7" upfacing, trumpet flower
  • Foliage Type:

    Linear, green leaves arranged in whorls or spirals up the stems.
  • Mature Spread:

    9 - 12 inches
  • Spacing:

    9 - 12 inches

Growing Tips

  • Planting Instructions:

    6" deep and 9-12" apart
  • Soil Moisture:

    Prefers well drained soil, but will tolerate heavier soils.
  • Will Tolerate:

    Acidic Soil, Clay Soil, Loamy Soil, Sandy Soil
  • Pruning Instructions:

    After blooming, cut the withered flower at the top of the stem to prevent seed production and then allow the leaves to wither and turn brown before removing them. The green leaves provide nourishment for the plants.
  • Winter Care:

    Provide a layer of mulch for winter protection. Remove in early spring.
  • Planting Depth:

    6" deep
  • Watering Requirements:

    Average water needs. Water regularly, do not overwater
  • Fertilization Requirements:

    Once per year
  • Special Care:

    Not needed

Plant Calculator

How Many Plants Do I Need?

  • Determine the amount of square feet in the area to be planted. Use the calculator below or enter square feet
  • Length
  • Width
  • Square Feet
  • ft
  • X
  • ft
  • =
  • ft
  • Enter plant spacing

  • Inches
Calculate Plants Needed
Plants Needed

Shipping Information

K. van Bourgondien times its shipments from Holland so that bulbs and bareroots arrive at the proper planting time (depending on climatic conditions) for each area of North America.
We take advanced orders, and as the crops are harvested, our staff of K. van Bourgondien experts makes an on-the-spot selection of the finest bulbs available to fill those reservations.
We will pack and ship your order based on the following schedules. The type of product you order or the weather may affect the anticipated shipping schedule. Please note that we cannot ship outside of the 48 contiguous states. What zone am I in?

Fall 2025 Shipping Schedule

  • Dormant Bulbs and Perennials
    Zones Shipping Dates Last Order Date
    3A - 6B 9/1/25 - 12/5/25 12/1/2025
    7A - 11B 9/22/25 - 12/5/25 12/1/2025

Shipping Notes:
In all cases, we choose the fastest, most efficient way to send your orders via USPS or FedEx.
Orders for gift certificates will be shipped immediately.

Due to hot weather conditions, we are unable to ship any plant items from late June through August. General merchandise will be shipped with your plant order.

Upon placing your order, you will receive an email confirmation with the details of your order and a shipping estimate. You will also receive an email notification when your order actually ships with an updated arrival estimate. If you have ordered multiple items, you may receive them in more than one shipment. We will send you a separate email confirming each shipment. Large orders may be shipped in more than one package. Your order confirmation will have an estimated shipping time.

You may check your order status at any time on this website using your email or account number provided on your order confirmation.

Customer Reviews

Review Snapshot

by PowerReviews

14 Star RatingsWrite a Review
of respondents would recommend this to a friend

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Reviewed by 10 customers

Beautiful and bright color!

Submitted 7 months ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

The bulbs arrived in fantastic time and I got them into the ground right away. They bloomed and had big and beautiful blooms. Great size for the first year blooming. Highly recommend.

User submitted media
Great for fall garden

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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Tall & Gorgeous!

Submitted 8 months ago

By expensivelook

From CO

100% bloomed. I planted 100 bulbs all together. I did commercial plantings for several entrances for a gated community. I wanted to achieve a high end look, this was it!

User submitted media 1 of 2
A very deep red. 24" height.
User submitted media 2 of 2
Planted in groups of 3 in a row.

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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Great value for the price

Submitted 2 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

Not the red color I expected but they bloomed nicely .

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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Didn't receive any like this.

Submitted 2 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

I did not get any lilies that were this color. The ones I planted new last fall that were a replacement to ones that didn't come up the first year were sort of a mauve color. I know I didn't order any that color, and I'm guessing they were supposed to be these Asiatic Lily Red County ones. I should call for a refund or replacement, but now I have all these others in my space.

Merchant Response

Thank you for writing a review of the Asiatic Lily Red County. We are truly sorry to hear that this item failed to bloom in the expected color. This is covered under our No-Risk Guarantee. One of our Customer Care agents will be contacting you soon with a positive resolution.

Bottom Line No, I would not recommend to a friend

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I got lots of great comments from passerbys.

Submitted 2 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

Love the brilliant color. Really stood out in the garden.

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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Disappointed this time

Submitted 2 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

I am sorry to tell you that myRed County Lilies were a fail. The. Bulbs started to grow and then just stopped. Some made it to a bud stage albeit small and tight and never bloomed. I have a bed of red lilies from over the last few years and expected to see these fill in nicely. I would like to try these again. The red lilies are my very favorite.

Merchant Response

Thank you for taking the time to review the Asiatic Lily Red County. We are terribly sorry to heae that this item failed to survive and bloom. Fortunately, this is covered under our No-Risk Guarantee. One of our Customer Care representatives will be contacting you soon with a positive resolution.

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Very happy!

Submitted 2 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

Very happy with everything I've ordered from this company. Lilies are beautiful.

User submitted media

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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Wrong color

Submitted 2 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

These lillies were supposed to be red. They were purple!! Nice but I wanted red!!!

Bottom Line No, I would not recommend to a friend

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No growth or blooms

Submitted 3 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

They did not grow or bloom.

Bottom Line No, I would not recommend to a friend

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most of them came up and the flowers were great.

Submitted 3 years ago

By pinatubo

From Manchester, NH USA

I mostly plant shrubs that flower but this is the first time I planted lilies. Most of them came up and flowered. They looked great. I'll be buying more of the red lilies and this fall I'll plant white ones as well. I planted them behind shrubs and there wasn't a lot of sunlight, but it worked.

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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Questions & Answers


Showing 10 out of 16 Questions

Just how RED are these? Are they closer to red, than orange? The ones I bought and planted this year are not even close to red.
Asked by Bert
Verified Reply - AngelaThe Asiatic Lily Red County is a bold red. If your plants were purchased from us, please email customer service with your contact informaiton, order number and a photo of the flower. Any agent will be happy to assist.Was this answer helpful to you
How many Bulbs in a Bag?
Asked by pk
Verified Reply - AngelaThe Asiatic Lily Red County offer includes 25 bulbs. These are shipped in the fall for planting.Was this answer helpful to you
Will moles eat the bulbs?
Asked by Dale
Verified Reply - AngelaMole will not eat the Asiatic Lily bulbs. Voles, chipmunks and squirrels can damage the bulbs.Was this answer helpful to you
Are these Lilies deer resistant?
Asked by Cindy
Verified Reply - AngelaThe Asiatic Lily Red County is not considered deer resistant.Was this answer helpful to you
Are these deer resistant?
Asked by Steve
Verified Reply - AngelaThe Asiatic Lily Red County is not considered deer resistant.Was this answer helpful to you
How many bulbs are in one bag?
Asked by R M Antonie
Verified Reply - AngelaThe Asitatic Lily Red County offer includes 25 bulbs.Was this answer helpful to you
Are these deer resistant?
Asked by DG
Verified Reply - AngelaThe Asiatic Lily Red County is not considered deer resistant.Was this answer helpful to you
Plant in fall?
Asked by Kitty
Verified Reply - AngelaIf you order Asiatic Lily Red County now, we will ship it at the appropriate time for planting in the fall. You want to plant it when it arrives. Was this answer helpful to you
Are there 25 per bag and it appears, you've said in the ad?
Asked by David
Verified Reply - AngelaThe Asiatic Lily Red County offer has 25 bulbs per bag. You can locate that information in the gray pricing box next to the 'Plant Calculator'.Was this answer helpful to you
If I plant these when they arrive in September, won't they come up before cold weather arrives?
Asked by Fan
Verified Reply - AngelaSeptember is probably a little early for planting the bulbs in your zone. You can always delay the shipping date by calling Customer Care or emailing us at service@dutchbulbs.comWas this answer helpful to you
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