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Asiatic Lily Yellow County

Asiatic Lily Yellow County

Brilliant yellow flowers add cheer to the summer garden, bouquets and other cut-flower arrangements. Blooming in June-July, Asiatic Lily Yellow County features 6", upward facing, trumpet-shaped, yellow flowers that attract butterflies. Growing 4' tall, this vigorous Asiatic Lily is easy to grow and is ideal for naturalizing in perennial borders or formal plantings. Yellow County's multiple, long-lasting blooms make outstanding elements in floral designs. Asiatic Lilies grow best when planted in well-drained soil and in full sun to partial shade.
  • Hardiness Zones 3-8
  • Mature Height 4 - 4.2 feet
  • Bloom Time June - July
  • Light Requirements Full Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade
  • Ship As12-14 CM Bulb
  • Cut Flower
  • Attracts Pollinators

We ship this item in Fall

Botanical Name: Lilium asiatic 'Yellow County'

Availability: Out of Stock
SKU: #87942
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Product Details

  • Restricted States US:

  • Botanical Name:

    Lilium asiatic 'Yellow County'
  • Ship As:

  • Size:

    12-14 CM
  • Suggested Uses:

    Borders, Bouquets, Cut Flowers, Perennializing, Showy Flowers, Attract Pollinator
  • Flower Color:

  • Flower Form:

    6" upfacing trumpet flower. Typical asiatic lily like.
  • Foliage Type:

    Linear, green leaves arranged in whorls or spirals up erect stems.
  • Mature Spread:

    12 - 18 inches
  • Spacing:

    12 - 18 inches

Growing Tips

  • Planting Instructions:

    6" deep and 12 - 18" apart
  • Soil Moisture:

    Prefers well drained soil, but will tolerate heavier soils.
  • Will Tolerate:

    Acidic Soil, Clay Soil, Loamy Soil, Sandy Soil
  • Pruning Instructions:

    Don't remove leaves until they have died down in fall. They help provide nourishment to the bulb for next season's blooms.
  • Winter Care:

    Provide a layer of mulch for winter protection. Remove in early spring.
  • Planting Depth:

    6" deep
  • Watering Requirements:

    Average water needs. Water regularly, do not overwater
  • Fertilization Requirements:

    Once per year
  • Special Care:

    Not needed.

Plant Calculator

How Many Plants Do I Need?

  • Determine the amount of square feet in the area to be planted. Use the calculator below or enter square feet
  • Length
  • Width
  • Square Feet
  • ft
  • X
  • ft
  • =
  • ft
  • Enter plant spacing

  • Inches
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Shipping Information

K. van Bourgondien times its shipments from Holland so that bulbs and bareroots arrive at the proper planting time (depending on climatic conditions) for each area of North America.
We take advanced orders, and as the crops are harvested, our staff of K. van Bourgondien experts makes an on-the-spot selection of the finest bulbs available to fill those reservations.
We will pack and ship your order based on the following schedules. The type of product you order or the weather may affect the anticipated shipping schedule. Please note that we cannot ship outside of the 48 contiguous states. What zone am I in?

Fall 2025 Shipping Schedule

  • Dormant Bulbs and Perennials
    Zones Shipping Dates Last Order Date
    3A - 6B 9/1/25 - 12/5/25 12/1/2025
    7A - 11B 9/22/25 - 12/5/25 12/1/2025

Shipping Notes:
In all cases, we choose the fastest, most efficient way to send your orders via USPS or FedEx.
Orders for gift certificates will be shipped immediately.

Due to hot weather conditions, we are unable to ship any plant items from late June through August. General merchandise will be shipped with your plant order.

Upon placing your order, you will receive an email confirmation with the details of your order and a shipping estimate. You will also receive an email notification when your order actually ships with an updated arrival estimate. If you have ordered multiple items, you may receive them in more than one shipment. We will send you a separate email confirming each shipment. Large orders may be shipped in more than one package. Your order confirmation will have an estimated shipping time.

You may check your order status at any time on this website using your email or account number provided on your order confirmation.

Customer Reviews

Review Snapshot

by PowerReviews

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Reviewed by 5 customers

Very Disappointing

Submitted 2 years ago

By Brenda H

From PA

i purchased these last year and planted in the fall. The listed mature height is 4 - 4.2 feet. They are only 2 - 2.5 feet in height. I planted them behind the orange lilies I purchased at the same time because the orange ones were supposed to be shorter. Now I have short lilies behind the taller ones. Also the lilies flowers are supposed to be 6" in size. They are barely 3-4".

Merchant Response

Brenda, thank you for your review of the Asiatic Lily Yellow County. We are truly sorry to hear of your disappointment in this item. The mature height of this plant will be 4 feet. Since this item has a medium growth rate, we would expect it to grow between 12-24 inches during the first year. The size of the blooms also increases as the plant matures. Our plants are covered by a No-Risk Guarantee, so one of our Customer Care agents will be contacting you soon with a positive resolution.

Bottom Line No, I would not recommend to a friend

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Nothing ever came up

Submitted 3 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

Planted when they were delivered and when recommended and nothing ever came up

Bottom Line No, I would not recommend to a friend

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Submitted 4 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

Love them, all came up and preformed well. Looking to order other colors.

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Gorgeous, easy to grow lilies!

Submitted 4 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

These lilies were gorgeous and bloomed beautifully. I bought a lot and they all bloomed from what I can tell. Would buy these again! My garden was the talk of my neighborhood, as people thoroughly enjoyed them while they walked their dogs and spent time outside.

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A major disappointment

Submitted 4 years ago

By anonymous

From Undisclosed

Verified Buyer

Poor growth and color. A major disappointment from the photos you posted.q

Merchant Response

Thank you for your review. We were sorry to hear the Asiatic Lily Yellow Country failed to meet your expectations. We are delighted to let you know we guarantee our merchandise, one of our Customer Care Specialist will be reaching out to you with a positive solution.

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Questions & Answers


Showing 1 out of 1 Questions

I was at a farmer's market in southern Wisconsin and a woman had yellow asiatic lilies that were very large and had about 6 blooms on one stem. She praised your company and said she gets her lilies from your company. Do you think this is the variety that she had?
Asked by Barb
Verified Reply - AngelaAsiatic Lily Yellow County is the only yellow Asiatic Lily we have available. It is a prolific bloomer of 6 inch flowers. I think you found it. Please let us know if you have any other questions. Was this answer helpful to you
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