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Flower Bulbs & Perennials at Wholesale Prices


Crocosmia Bulbs

Large plantings of colorful crocosmia bulbs have been known to transform the midsummer landscape from dull to dramatic. Amazingly diverse, these seasonal perennials are quite easy to grow and very reliable bloomers. Crocosmia corms are popular among gardeners looking to plant in spring and add summer color. When cut, they make ideal bouquets. Discover more about crocosmia bulbs for sale here.

Crocosmia Flowers from K. van Bourgondien

Crocosmia, beloved perennials, boast a moderate height, making them perfect for both outdoor and indoor enjoyment. We suggest planting your crocosmia bulbs in full sun or part shade sites such as borders, mixed displays, and cutting gardens. Their straight stems and unique flower forms make crocosmia (montbretia) the ideal choice for cut-flower arrangements and bouquets. We offer this dependable beauty in a range of varieties and colors—one is sure to meet your customers' needs. Read more information on how to plant crocosmia today!

How To Plant Crocosmia (Montbretia) Bulbs

Plant crocosmia bulbs in the spring in well-drained soil and in full sun to part shade. Plant crocosmia corms 3-5" deep and 6- 8" apart. Keep them well watered throughout the growing season. Crocosmia flowers grow 2-3' tall and bloom in the summer. Most varieties are hardy in zones 6-9.

When Do I Plant Crocosmia Bulbs?

Crocosmia is best planted in the springtime, once the risk of frost has diminished and the soil has begun to warm up. This generally occurs from late April to early May in many regions. By planting during this period, you provide the bulbs with favorable conditions for growth, as they thrive in warm soil and sunlight.

What To Plant with Crocosmia

Some companion plants for crocosmia are ornamental grasses, daylilies, dahlias, heleniums and monardas.

How Long Does It Take for Crocosmia Bulbs to Sprout?

Crocosmia corms usually sprout in 3-6 weeks, depending on the soil temperatures, air temperatures and other growing conditions.

Why Are My Crocosmia Leaves Turning Brown?

The most common reasons for crocosmia leaves turning brown are insect pests, such as spider mites, or underwatering or drought conditions. The leaves usually turn yellow when overwatered.

How To Store Crocosmia Bulbs Over Winter

Most crocosmia can overwinter in the ground in zones 7 and warmer. A heavy layer of mulch will protect the corms. In colder areas, the corms should be dug up the fall and stored in a cool space such as an unheated garage or basement. Avoid storing the corms where the temperatures drop below 40 degrees F.

How To Lift Crocosmia in The Fall

After the first light frost, dig up the crocosmia corms and brush off the dirt. The corms can be stored in a cool area such as an unheated basement over winter.
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