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Daffodil Bulbs

Daffodils are a welcome sight in early spring. These cheerful fall-planting flowers can handle frost and spring rains and still look stunning. K. van Bourgondien offers unique varieties of daffodil bulbs that are guaranteed to fill your garden with beauty. Our daffodil bulbs bloom in the spring. Select from the classic white and yellow or other exciting colors. Browse our selection of daffodil bulbs for sale today!

Daffodil Bulbs for Sale

Gardeners love to extend the daffodil, or narcissus, season with different types of daffodil bulbs. Offer your customers stunning varieties of daffodil bulbs for sale that beautify the landscape throughout spring. Ideal in borders and rock gardens; excellent naturalizers. For a standout design, choose unique varieties of daffodil bulbs with exotic characteristics and bold colors from our bulbs for sale.

What are Daffodils?

Daffodils are bright, spring-blooming flowers belonging to the genus Narcissus. They are recognized by their trumpet-shaped blooms, usually yellow or white, surrounded by six petal-like tepals. These perennial plants are native to Europe and North Africa, thriving in temperate climates. Daffodils are known for their symbolism of renewal, rebirth, and new beginnings, often associated with spring. They're commonly used in gardens and floral arrangements, and their bulbs are planted in the fall to bloom in early spring.

Are Daffodils Easy to Grow?

Yes, daffodils are relatively easy to grow, making them a popular choice for both beginners and professional gardeners. They are low-maintenance, hardy plants that thrive in well-drained soil and can tolerate a variety of climates. Daffodils are typically planted in the fall and require minimal care after planting. They bloom reliably each spring and can multiply over the years, creating larger clusters of flowers. Additionally, they are deer and rodent-resistant, making them a durable option for many gardens.

How Do I Plant Daffodil Bulbs?

Plant your daffodil bulbs in the fall and in deep, fertile, well-drained soil in full sun to light shade. Plant daffodil bulbs 6" apart and 8" deep in groups of 5, 7, 9 or more. Consider planting the daffodil bulbs under deciduous trees that will not leaf out until after the Narcissus have bloomed.

Daffodil Bulbs: Growing & Maintaining

During their growth period, water the daffodil bulbs. After flowers bloom, let the foliage die back naturally. Once the foliage fades, cut it back. Daffodils can be left undisturbed to naturalize for years. To transplant, dig and divide the bulbs after the foliage has turned brown and replant at once. If you cannot plant bulbs immediately, store in a cool, airy place. Height depends on variety. Read more about how to plant, grow & care for daffodils today!

How Do I Store Daffodil Bulbs?

Store daffodil bulbs in a cool, dry place where there is good circulation. Place them on shallow trays or in old onion sacks. Avoid exposing them to direct sunlight, heat, freezing temperatures or dampness.

How Many Daffodil Bulbs Should I Plant Together?

Daffodils look best planted in groups. If planting in the ground, plant daffodil bulbs in groups of 10 or more.

What Do Daffodil Bulbs Look Like?

Daffodil bulbs are some of the larger of the fall-planted bulbs. They're usually larger than tulip and crocus bulbs, but smaller than hyacinth bulbs. Like other flower bulbs, they have a pointy end and a flatter, root end.

How Long Do Daffodil Bulbs Last?

If left in the ground and in well-drained soil in zones 4-9, daffodil bulbs will come back year after year and multiply. In proper storage conditions, daffodil bulbs can last for up to 12 months before they should be planted.
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